About The Home Green

Life is made up of little, everyday moments - moments that happen largely in the home.

Making the backdrop of your life a happy place that serves your needs is a worthy pursuit. But that pursuit can feel like it comes with a need for endless consumption. And consumption, of course, is not great for our larger home planet.
Does it have to be this way? As we know better, can we do better?


The Home Green is about recognizing the impact that design has in our everyday lives while striving to make choices that support our individual and collective homes. 
Luckily, we have more choices today than ever before when it comes to greener, more eco-friendly interior design in all styles and price ranges. It's never been more possible to have a beautiful home that considers and minimizes its environmental impact.


Home Green Principles

As I tackle the challenge of finding and sharing more sustainable design, I'll curate my focus according to a few key principles:

  • Better is better. While perfect sustainability would be amazing, there's a lot of collective progress that could be made if more of us take the first step. 
  • Design is non-negotiable.  There's no reason that eco-friendly has to be boring.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle. We'll incorporate existing materials, when possible.
  • When it's not possible to reuse, let's support businesses that prioritize figuring out how to have a beautiful home that doesn't come at the expense of a beautiful home planet

Hello, I'm Amy.

Like most women my age, I wear many hats: mother, wife, professional. When I'm done with the daily have-tos, I most enjoy being outside and devouring home decoration magazines, blogs, and books.

I don't have any special qualifications or even a particularly above average track record of green living. But I hope I'm like you: someone who has many interests, a busy life, and who cares about what I'll leave behind. And I hope that you're like me and that you'll want to go on this journey of learning how to do better, piece by piece.

My goal is to share what I learn as I tackle my own projects and hopefully make it a little easier for you to find choices that are a win-win for your home and our future.

green logo of earth and text: sustainable furnishings council member

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